My Impressions إنطباعاتى

Three Cs




They are the 3 cs in life. You have to make a choice to get the chance so you can have a change or make a change.

It is all about us who decide how to live life and explore opportunities.

Have a good day.

حروف ال C الثلاثة

ان تختار

ان تحصل على فرصة

ان تقوم بالتغيير أو تشعر بالتغيير.

الأمر كله بيدنا نحن..أننا نملك حرية  الإختيار واكتشاف الفرص.

يومكم سعيد.

نملك حرية الإختيار.

By Somaya Zakaria

An Egyptian American citizen. A woman who started a new chapter of her life in her middle age by moving to US. A person who left her comfortable zone to a busy and different kind of life. A wife, mother, grandmother and a writer who wears different hats and enjoys her roles in life. Souma

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