My Impressions إنطباعاتى

A new Day, A new Experience

On Feb. 11, I did my 1st assignment as an Arabic/English interpreter. A job that I have always dreamed to do, intetprter/translator..

It was raining dogs and cats all day, weather was extremely terrible. The location was a two hour driving.

God is great. I was scared to death driving alone at the first time in this scary weather.

I tried to apply all what I learned during all last year. Be a professional and honestly interpret/ convey the message.

I proudly did the job, came back inhaling challengs and exhailng Success. It was a new day with a new experience.

Thank u God.

11 فبراير 2020 عملت كمترجمة فورية للمرة الأولى فى أمريكا. إنه العمل الذى تمنيته دائما أن اكون مترجمة/ومترجمة فورية.

الجو كان مرعبا..شديد البرودة. شديد المطر. المكان يبعد ساعتين. احمد الله على رعايته فقد تمكنت من القيادة بمفردى للمرة الأولى وانا اكاد أموت رعبا.

حاولت ان اطبق كل ماتعلمته..ان اكون أمينة فى الترجمة ونقل الرسالة بحرفية وامانة.
عدت البيت .وانا اشعر بالفخر بذاتى. .شاكرة لله..حامدة له على مساعدته

By Somaya Zakaria

An Egyptian American citizen. A woman who started a new chapter of her life in her middle age by moving to US. A person who left her comfortable zone to a busy and different kind of life. A wife, mother, grandmother and a writer who wears different hats and enjoys her roles in life. Souma