My Impressions إنطباعاتى

A new Day, A new Experience

On Feb. 11, I did my 1st assignment as an Arabic/English interpreter. A job that I have always dreamed to do, intetprter/translator..

It was raining dogs and cats all day, weather was extremely terrible. The location was a two hour driving.

God is great. I was scared to death driving alone at the first time in this scary weather.

I tried to apply all what I learned during all last year. Be a professional and honestly interpret/ convey the message.

I proudly did the job, came back inhaling challengs and exhailng Success. It was a new day with a new experience.

Thank u God.

11 فبراير 2020 عملت كمترجمة فورية للمرة الأولى فى أمريكا. إنه العمل الذى تمنيته دائما أن اكون مترجمة/ومترجمة فورية.

الجو كان مرعبا..شديد البرودة. شديد المطر. المكان يبعد ساعتين. احمد الله على رعايته فقد تمكنت من القيادة بمفردى للمرة الأولى وانا اكاد أموت رعبا.

حاولت ان اطبق كل ماتعلمته..ان اكون أمينة فى الترجمة ونقل الرسالة بحرفية وامانة.
عدت البيت .وانا اشعر بالفخر بذاتى. .شاكرة لله..حامدة له على مساعدته

My Impressions إنطباعاتى

New Me

New Me

It is nice to be among such creative people. This is new me, an Egyptian woman who left her comfortable zone in Egypt in her late fifties. A woman who is newly American, (just few months ago).

A new person who started a new chapter of her life by going to college and starting a new career with child development. A woman who spent her entire career working in the office and shifted to work among American children. A woman who earned her degree in her early sixties. A woman who is still trying hard to figure her role as a wife, mother, grandmother and a writer.

A new me who want to be a writer and write in English not in her native language “Arabic”.
I define myself a writer but an Egyptian writer. I used to write and express my thoughts in Arabic. I hope I can write, and express myself in English.

My journey in life has stumbling, success, sour and sugar, ups and downs.

I look forward to be a writer and believe in myself and my skills. I have written and published two short story books in Arabic, a long time ago.

I did not mirror myself as a writer and for sure, I did not take my writing seriously and did not have a faith in myself.

Being among all of you, reading your writings, learning from your experiences and sharing your thoughts here, made me feel, I’m in the right place with the right people.

I hope I will take my writing more seriously, I hope I can have a book written and published in English. I hope I can sum up my life journey in a book that can say a lot and express a lot about me, new Souma, new me.

My Impressions إنطباعاتى

I’m Back عود حميد

عدت إلى نفسى لأكتب. عدت لأقول لنغسى انى اولا واخيرا، فيما قبل وفيما بعد سأظل كاتبة. انشغل..ابتعد..لكنى أعود.إلى ذاتى كاتبة.

الكتابة تؤرقنى وتاخذنى بعيدا إلى عالم آخر..عالم من صنعى. هأنذا أعود..واتمنى أن استمر بلا توقف. لم يعد فى العمر الكثير لكى أتوقف.

ااقول لنفسى.عودا حميدا ا او Welcome back

My Impressions إنطباعاتى

I made it

Finally, I made it and created my blog. A big struggle with technology and the power of words. Wait for me and for my tales, “Souma’ s tales”.

اخيرا حققت الحلم . تغلبت ع التكنولوجيا لأبدا رحلتى مع قوة الكلمة فى حكاياتى..حكايات سومة.